A Warning About Dr. Herschel Hughes
Dr. Herschel Hughes, a former professor at Loma Linda University, Riverside, and current member of Loma Linda University SDA Church, has apparently spoken recently at some Adventist churches in southern California, and delivered what he claims is a message from Jesus for the Seventh Day Adventist church. In this message, he repudiates the SDA teachings regarding the Sabbath, the state of the dead, the pre-advent investigative judgment, hell, and end time prophecy. This comes at the end of his brief 30 minute talk, and is apparently sprung on an unwitting congregation, before there is time to react and remove him from the pulpit. In my opinion, it is not Jesus, but Satan, that is speaking through Dr. Hughes.
The following is a transcript of the message allegedly from Jesus to the SDA church (times listed are from the mp3 file available from his web site):
23:45 I am the Lord thy God, and those of you from the Seventh Day Adventist Church are dearly loved by me, but you are a stiff-necked prideful people who have provoked my wrath. For I have sent to you many messengers of truth but you have stubbornly refused to respond to their testimony, and you are arrogantly continuing to defy my will.
The end is near, so I give you this final warning, you must return to your Christian roots, and abandon the false teaching that it is my will that you should observe and make the Jewish sabbath the focus of end time events, and an issue of salvation. This is wrong, for the sabbath was part of the old covenant I made exclusively for the Jews, and as Gentiles it's not yours to claim. But I have given all people, Jews and Gentiles alike, who believe and follow me, a new covenant, which is the inheritance of eternal life, freely given by my blood, and by my grace through faith, and which also includes the guidance and empowerment of my spirit, but it includes no allowance for any legalisms from the old Jewish covenant. My Jews celebrate my creation, but my Christians celebrate my blood.
You must also abandon the false teaching that you call the investigative judgment, as it denies the completed redemption of my cross. It denies my grace and without my grace there is no salvation.
You must reject your false views about death as I am the creator of life and the immortality of the soul, and at the moment of death, I call home to be with me all the souls of my true believers.
You must embrace my truth regarding the indwelling work of my holy spirit which begins at the moment you are born again and you are sealed by me.
You have scorned my rapture throughout your entire brief existence as a church, and thus you have chosen not to be included in it.
You have altered my truths regarding this earth's final events, so that your people will not be prepared for my coming. And you deceived my Christians with you heretical Sunday laws and mark of the beast deceptions.
You teach contempt and condemnation toward my Jews, and you claim to have replaced them and call yourselves spiritual Israel. Such thinking led to the tortuous murder of millions of my chosen people, for they will be restored, and they not you, will do my work during the tribulation.
There is a judgment of fire for all people who have demeaned my Jews. And you have even altered my truth of eternal damnation.
I will no longer tolerate these and other of your heresies. You are not my remnant church or my chosen people, and most of you are not even part of the body of Christ. I want to anoint and empower this church. Do not remain a cult. You must reject these untruths and become a genuine Christian church now, the Adventist Christian church.
You have the potential of becoming a mighty force for my cause, but you have chosen to follow a false prophet, who is leading you to your own demise. Harken my words before it is too late. Repent, Repent, Repent, and follow only me and I will abundantly bless you. Otherwise, I will ultimately focus my wrath at the tribulation against this church and its people.
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