
The groundbreaking work by Jerry Stevens
is newly revised and illustrated!

The 666 Factor: An Annotated Timeline
by Jerry A. Stevens

This is the third edition of this book. It contains a lot of new information and images not contained in the previous editions.

Excellent for sharing — Bulk pricing available.

This book reveals connecting links between Revelation 13:16–18, the infamous number 666, and the papal headdress. This is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the meaning of the number 666.

A message from the author:

Dear friends of the truth,

My motivation for writing this book is that it desperately needed to be written, and with no expectation of publishing royalties. For many years Bible expositors have identified the beast of Revelation 13 with the papacy, or spiritual Babylon. But an alarming recent trend has taken hold even among some Seventh-day Adventist expositors to put a different spin on the meaning of the infamous number 666. Consider this: If the whole number 666 has no discoverable numerical connection with the beast of Revelation 13, then guess what? The papacy ceases to be the beast, and Adventists for many years have been promulgating falsehoods regarding the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14!

In objecting to this trend, I have sounded a loud alarm. If scholars and laypersons alike don’t pay attention to such trends as thoroughly yet succinctly outlined in this book, then they are in for a dreadful surprise when the papacy breathes a sigh of relief as the finger of suspicion points in all manner of wrong directions. Indeed, the “remnant church” motif would become nothing more than a laughingstock to spiritual Babylon. Dear reader, you cannot afford to let that happen.

Jerry A. Stevens has a degree in English (The University of Michigan) and two graduate degrees in education (Andrews University). He has served as an educator, as well as holding editorships with Christian Record Services and Adventists Affirm. His dual lifelong passion has been to investigate and to share biblical truth. He compiled and edited a book published in large print by Christian Record Services, Inc., What’s So Secret About the Rapture? (2001).

Order your copy at $10.99, or as low as $3.66 in quantity, from

or by calling (559) 264-2300.


Devotional Thoughts

Anjous for Jesus

Courtesy Alasam's Photostream

Jerry's Psalm

An Unofficial Glossary of Advent-isms

General Articles and Sermons

Adam and Eve: Will Both Be in Heaven?

All the Apostles of the Bible

All the Bible Prophets, False and True

All the Hebrew Monarchs

All the High Priests of Israel

All the Judges of Israel

Answers to Puzzling Questions About Christ's Nativity

Bible Authors

Biblical Ordinances to Be Observed by the Modern Christian

Christian Education

David, the Compleat Sinner

Did Ellen White Mention Dinosaurs?

Did the New Testament Do Away With God's Unclean Animal Restrictions?

Estimated Dates of Christ’s Birth, Length of Earthly Sojourn, and Death: Study and Analysis

The Fallacy of the "Once saved, always saved" Argument

The Greatest Hoax of All Time

Guardian Angels: Do They Ever Let Down Their Guard?

Guardian Angels: One Per Capita (Usually)

"His Blood Be on Us!"

Homesick for Heaven: The Ultimate Camp Meeting

Instances of Apostolic Healing in the Bible: Contexts and Characters

Jesus' Earthly Family

The Jewish Calendar

The "Jewish" Festivals Have Meaning for Us All!

The King James Version's "Authorized" Emoticons!

Last-day Events After 9-11

Living and Dying Up to Three Times

Mary Magdalene Not the Woman of John 8

Miracle Kids

My Search for Truth

Nakedness Not Nudity

Name Variants of Characters in the Bible

No Color Line in Heaven

Objections to Dave Hunt & The Berean Call

On the Exact Number of Magi and the Site of the Manger

Paul Was the Writer of Hebrews

Paul's Marital Status: Celibate or Married?

Paul's Thorn in the Flesh

Preaching Ethics: Is Pulpit Humor Ever Appropriate?

A Prophet on Wheels

The Red Sea Crossing: Selected Inspired Commentary

Removing the Anonymity of Two King James Version Bible Characters

Revival of Slavery in the South Under Sunday Law Pressure

Scriptures for God's People to Study and Memorize

The Seven Pillars of the SDA Faith

Shall We Dance?

Should Anyone Ever Say, "I am saved"?

Three Editorial Errors in Our King James Version Bibles

The Tower in Siloam: Bible and Ellen G. White Comments on Unexplained Tragedies

True Exegesis: A Reliable Method for the Serious Bible Student

The Ultimate Disposition of Space Junk

The Visit of the Magi

We Are Not Alone!

Menacing tentacled tripod machines from Mars prove to be impervious to the fiercest assaults perpetrated by mere earthly military weaponry. Copyright © 2013 by Natalie Schneider
Water tower mistaken for invading Martian tripod death machine during the CBS radio broadcast, “The War of the Worlds” on October 30, 1938.

What Are “Testing Truths”?

What Does the Bible Say About Speaking in Tongues?

What Happens to Your Soul When You Die?

Why Michael the Archangel Must Be Christ Himself

Will Babies, Imbeciles, or Slaves See Heaven?

Will You Go to Heaven When You Die?

Articles © by Jerry A. Stevens